Friday, October 28, 2011

Schedule of Events

Spring Semester (2012)

January 30 (Monday)
Arrive in Bath
Jan 31 - Feb 5
Orientation Week
Feb 6
Classes Begin
Mar 17 - 23
At Oxford
March 30 - April 8
Spring Break
May 7 - 11
At Stratford-upon-Avon
May 14 - 17
Examination Week
May 18
Semester Ends
May 19 (Saturday)
Departure Day

I am so excited. This is surreal. These events are actually happening. I am planning on spending Spring Break in Milan, Italy.  I have connections there so I would not have to pay for a hostel. My family hosted two beautiful young ladies from Italy 3 summers ago and we still keep in touch with them and they are begging me to come visit.  Why not.
The classes I am taking are an 8 credit Education Programme, Irish Nationalisms, and Tudor and Stuart England.  The study trips include a weekend trip to Dublin and to the Montacute house.
Keep Calm and Follow the Moon

Monday, October 17, 2011

Well That Was Fast

I received an email this morning telling me I am accepted for Advanced Studies in England for Spring 2012! Wee!!!! I am so excited. I also received my Pre-Arrivals info packets and forms. I am so excited, but also a little nervous. I have never traveled out of the country except Canada when I was 7, the Caymen Islands when I was 9, and Puerto Rico when I was 18.  I traveled to all those places with my family. To make matters worse, I have never left the east coast of the United States. To say I have lived a sheltered life is an understatement.  I think I am the most nervous about traveling alone and flying to Bath by myself. But this is what I get to look forward to:

I am so excited:) I have dreamt of going to England for the longest time and to be able to teach in a school over there is absolutely amazing.  
Keep Calm and Follow the Moon

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Crunch Time

My application for Advanced Studies in England is under consideration as we speak. Its not a rolling application, so although my application got to Bath a week ago, they did not begin reviewing it until yesterday.  I am very nervous, although I know I probably shouldn't be because Saint Mike's is on the board of affiliates.  Going to England has been a dream of mine for so long and I will be absolutely crushed if I get rejected.  Please please please keep your fingers crossed for me! 
On another note, it is crunch time in the semester.  I have so many research papers/reading to do and its really overwhelming.  If school work wasn't enough, I have personal situations going on that I am trying to push to the back burner.  As if I need more stress! As much as I hate wishing time away, I just want this stupid semester to be over. 
Keep calm and follow the moon